Charlestown Hunt is a limited-access, residential subdivision of condos, townhomes and single family residences built by Realen circa 1996-2000; median age is circa 1998.
Condos (includes Gladstone and Hamilton models) are single-floor units. Some first floor units have basements. Median interior living space is approximately 1,600 sq. ft.
Townhomes (includes Durham, Franklin and Hamilton models) range from approximately 1,600 to more than 2,500 sq. ft. of interior living space; median is approximately 1,800 sq. ft.
Singles (includes Dalton, Oxford and Windsor models) have a median lot size of approximately one-half acre. Interior living space ranges from approximately 3,000-5,000 sq. ft. with a median of approximately 3,700 sq. ft.-334 Units
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